We love outschool of course, but my kids grade 4 and 8 are needing to take some full length courses with rigor in areas that they are weak in . I am thinking Life Science and US History in particular.
Does anyone know of a platform where we can take this type of coursework online.
Classical Academic Press offeres Schole academy, classes start at 4th grade. Memoria press has a live online class option too, I think.
Bookshark has good curriculum both in Book form and Online, up thru high school.
History at our House for both kids. Mr Powell is fabulous
Derek Owens for the 8th grader. Physical Science not life science
Mary at Next Level is fabulous. She teaches both subjects you require
Open Tent Academy
Well Trained Mind Academy starts at 6th grade
the Potter’s School
Yes, Packet Press has US History for your 8th grader. Check it out at www.packetpress.us It’s asynchronous online, so there is some schedule flexibility, but it’s in-de9th & let’s him choose an area of personal interest to study alongside the classwide topics