Are there any free online courses from Stanford University?

Hey folks! I heard Stanford offers some free online courses and I’m super curious. Does anyone know what’s available? I’d love to learn something new from such a great university without spending money. Thanks!

Absolutely! Stanford Online has a ton of free courses across various subjects. Just check their website for the latest offerings.

I took a course on machine learning from Stanford, and it was fantastic! Highly recommend checking out their AI courses.

Aiden said:
I took a course on machine learning from Stanford, and it was fantastic! Highly recommend checking out their AI courses.

Is that the one taught by Andrew Ng? I’ve heard great things about his teaching style!

Yep, that’s the one! He makes complex topics really accessible.

They also offer courses in the humanities and social sciences. So there’s something for everyone!

Don’t forget to check out their Stanford Lagunita platform! They host many free courses there.

I found a great course on programming languages. There are lots of interesting topics to explore.

If you’re into health and medicine, they have some great free courses in those fields too.