Sac State Online Classes

Hello! Does Sac State offer online classes?

I’ve been scouring the CSUS website and catalog for this info and for some reason have not been able to find it.

I’m currently finishing up at Los Rios so I believe I would be an upper division transfer student if that matters.

The main reason I am asking is because I work full-time with a completely inflexible schedule. With community college I had to switch to doing one (maximum two) online class per semester in order to make things work and to keep a reasonably good GPA. I understand this will take a while and that it may not be eligible for financial aid Quitting my job or asking to switch to part-time are not options for me.

And just wondering, do you still have to pay for things that are for in-person usage if you’re attending virtually?


There aren’t a lot of online asynchronous classes and you still have to pay for extra fees like the Well (gym) membership even if you never show up on campus.


Which was fun during the pandemic. We had to pay fees for services that we couldn’t use.


Nope! I ran into the same problem and they basically told me I would have to quit my job to attend which is just insane.

I recommend Cal State East Bay - tons of fully online/asynchronous programs


Nope. There MAY be one section dedicated to being asynchronous and even then those classes go within seconds. Considering you are also a transfer student, I hear they get last dibs on any of the classes.


Sometimes you’ll get more selection for online classes over the summer depending on the major. But even then, a lot are still synchronous just online so… but some can be asynch. I’d recommend finding a different college with a wider selection of online classes and verify that your path can be fully asynch and online


Check out college of continuing education for sac state. Full time online. It’s challenging 8 week semesters but worth it! Meant to say there are a handful of majors online. I’m in the psych program


Hi are you still in the program? Do you still like it? I wish I could find actual reviews online.


I just graduated but went through 4 semesters in the program.


Congratulations! Did you enjoy your time there? Any regrets? Which major did you complete?How was the experience while studying there?


It was a good fit because I work full time and all courses are online. Out of the 12 courses I took, only two professors were poor from an organizational and communication perspective. Which I think is pretty good. I was in the Psychology program.

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