Looking for help with PDF to SCORM conversion

If anyone has an automated script that converts batch PDFs into SCORM, I’d really appreciate your help in building it. Also, if anyone has JavaScript for SCORM that restricts completion until the user spends a specific amount of time on it, I’d love some guidance on that too. Thanks in advance!

I don’t think this is a thing. How about you tell us the what/why instead of the how?

Why would you want this? Pedagogically this is nonsense. Spending a certain amount of time in front of a screen doesn’t prove anything and actually might hurt learning progress. Converting static content from a PDF to an online course doesn’t make it better. Just distribute the PDF to your learners.

That’s a fair point. I just thought maybe making it interactive could help? It’s worth considering.

No and no.

ROBERT said:
No and no.

Got it, thanks for your input. Not sure where to go from here.

Though not a batch script, iSpring does it as I remember. It was very basic. I found this article for you: How to Convert a PDF to a SCORM Package in a Few Seconds (ispringsolutions.com).

Raymond2 said:
Though not a batch script, iSpring does it as I remember. It was very basic. I found this article for you: How to Convert a PDF to a SCORM Package in a Few Seconds (ispringsolutions.com).

Thanks for the resource. I’ll check it out and see if it suits my needs.

Have you considered the RePubIT Digital platform? It converts your PDF into interactive content. After uploading, it sends SCORM and xAPI data to any LMS based on user activity. You can add video, audio, surveys, and quizzes.

That sounds interesting. I’ll look into that option too. Thanks!

From a technical aspect, any course authoring tool can take the PDF and export it to SCORM. But those are actual content authoring tools. If you want people to go over the PDF slides, most LMS that allow simple content import will let you build a ‘course’ from your PDFs and add questions for knowledge checks.

That sounds simpler than going to SCORM. I might consider just creating a course with questions instead.