Hello, I’m new here and looking for any hints about recreating an issue we have with clients. We have users experiencing problems regularly enough to notify us. We export AICC. What we know is that user progress is not being reported after a certain time. We have a verify session active in the training that kicks them out if the LMS stops receiving the put parameters. When we log out, we get an error. We have tried various web browsers and devices, turning the internet on and off, going full screen mode, clearing cookies, and more, but we can’t recreate the problem. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
It may depend on what you mean by the LMS not accepting the Exit Course button. Is there an error message? What LMS are you using?
We are using a specific LMS that has been reported to have issues with AICC. I’ll check if there’s a specific error message next time.
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First things first, do you have to use AICC? I can’t say the standard is well supported by current LMS platforms. Also, do you need an exit course button? Can’t users just close the popup window instead?
We prefer using AICC for compatibility reasons, but I’ll consider your suggestion about closing the popup instead.
I don’t know about Lectora at all, but I do know that the Storyline exit button stopped fully functioning due to browser security measures. Browsers block certain features that control their tabs, and a webpage trying to close a tab is considered dangerous. I believe the exit button only works if Storyline opens in a popup because it’s allowed to close that popup.
That makes sense. I’ll check if we can set it to open in a popup instead. What about the submit results issue? Do you think it could be related to the SCORM version compatibility with the platform?
Yes, it could be that the SCORM version isn’t compatible with the platform it’s been uploaded to. Just a guess, though.