LMS for Teaching Medical Preparedness Courses

Hi all… Hoping you can give some advice. I am still learning the terminology in this arena, so it’s best if I just describe my vision and hopefully you all can guide me. I’m a hurricane-zone-Florida registered nurse, and I’ve wanted to teach a niche that I am highly interested in: the crossover between medical and disaster preparedness. I want to create free, high-quality e-learning opportunities for individuals who want to be better prepared for anything from temporary loss of emergency services to months-long grid-down scenarios. The problem is, this is a passion project, and I can’t afford to put more than $200-$500 into launching, which is why I am hoping there’s a free and open-source LMS I can use through WordPress or similar. I know Moodle exists, but I’m not sure if it meets my vision of the platform: high levels of interactivity to set my platform apart from just a collection of PDFs. I want interactive learning like drag and drop, click to reveal, and comprehension checks as you go. Hosting on my own website is preferred as I want to grow this into its own reputable standalone site. Have you ever used Brilliant.org? It’s an absolutely stunning e-learning system for math and science, and that’s the level of interactivity I strive to reach.

Hey, I found this website called: https://learnhub.hasnatech.tech/. You can ask them for more details; they can explain and give you a tailored LMS according to your needs and provide e-learning courses including AI. Here’s their main site: https://hasnatech.com/

Buy an ad if you want to spam your service.

Hey, is this more focused on the frontline workforce?

scofield said:
Hey, is this more focused on the frontline workforce?

It’s more for training laypeople to be makeshift providers in grid-down situations.

And you want this to be mostly mobile-based training only, right?

Very interested in this :eyes: