Kajabi, thinkific, learnworlds: comparison site?

Is there a reliable website that genuinely contrasts these different systems for hosting online courses? All that I can see are “comparisons” on each host’s website, wherein their own product always seems to come out on top. I am launching a little old language company, thus I am particularly interested in knowing what features each product comes with. For instance, learn worlds appears to be far less expensive than Kajabi, but perhaps that is because it provides fewer features? I would welcome any help (yeah, I am as new at this as I probably sound:-).)


There are numerous repositories available for comparison (many have been cited). A recent example I came across is Craig Weiss’s project, FindAnLMS. While it lacks some emerging LMSs, it remains a comprehensive and valuable resource.

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eLearning Industry has a list of learning platforms you can look through. You can also compare up to three of them to see which one suits your needs best.