Free AI Course Offer for Subscribers

Hi all,

I run a newsletter dedicated to AI and have been offered a free course on AI and chatbots for my subscribers. I wanted to share it here in case anyone finds it useful.

The course is run by, a startup focused on online education. It’s 3 hours long, held over Zoom, and covers topics like prompt writing, using AI alongside Excel, new AI features, and building your own customGPT.

To access the course, just subscribe to my newsletter at, and you’ll receive the course link in the welcome email.

Enjoy the course and the newsletter! Any questions? Feel free to ask!

Sounds interesting! Does it cover any coding or is it more about using AI tools?

Hey ABC, it’s more focused on using AI tools rather than coding, but they do touch on building your own customGPT which can involve some light coding depending on your interest level.

Thanks for sharing this! Just signed up for your newsletter—excited to check out the course!