Hey guys, I’m just wondering if there’s any stigma around online degrees seeing that it’s entails no practical experience.
It really depends on what the degree is in and who is looking at it.
I honestly think it depends on your situation, I’m strictly online due to the fact that I have no child care for my kids.
It’s not that people look down on them, it’s that you are genuinely losing a lot of practical experience. And let’s be real you don’t really learn that much in online classes. I have a diploma from a community college that I got online due to Covid and I retained none of that information, had no connections in the field and basically it meant I had no chance of getting a job over somebody who has been in practicing via hands on learning. Of course it’s different for everybody, but rather than looking down on it, it’s broadly speaking not as helpful when it comes to getting connections and job opportunities. I’m going to university now in person and I can already tell you I have learned more in the one year than the 2 it took to get the diploma online.
Yeah, I think you are correct. It’s my cousin who wants to start college online and I’m trying to tell him that it’s not a very good idea, so I kinda wanted an explanation such a as yours to open his eyes. Thank you for your input!
Honestly I took online commercial music and I had some of the craziest opportunities because the skill set I obtained I just feel like you have to put a extra effort on really internalizing the information board like I save PDFs I saved module videos I took substantial amount to notes. Online allowed me to work a 90 to 108hr job in the event production industry also. But I love in person no matter what tho
It’s pretty easy to cheat in online classes. You don’t really learn anything by cheating. But also college is kind of a scam and cheating your way through it is winning the system.
A lot depends on the field.
Some online courses require you to get practical experience locally. Some don’t require practical experience at all (I teach Ancient History - no practical work here, just lots of reading and essay writing).
And with places that offer both in-person and online study, the piece of paper at the end looks exactly the same.