Anyone tried online degrees from 3rd world countries?

I was thinking… it seems like a life hack to enroll in online universities from 3rd world countries. I know their degrees aren’t always equivalent to ours, but sometimes they’re pretty close. I heard about a Filipino guy who got his degree recognized in Canada as 3 years done and only had 1 year left to finish, and he only paid like $500 a year. Anyone else looked into this? Thoughts?

Yeah, I’ve seen people do this too. My cousin did something similar with a university in India. His degree wasn’t fully recognized, but he only needed a few extra credits to make it work here in the UK. For the price, it’s not a bad deal if you pick the right place!

That’s what I’m thinking! As long as you check that it’s recognized before you enroll, seems like a smart move. How much did your cousin pay?

He paid about $600 a year. Not too bad considering how much degrees cost here!

I mean, it sounds tempting, but I’d be worried about the quality of education. Like, do they offer the same level of teaching? $500 a year seems super cheap for a reason.

Yeah, that’s my concern too. I think you’d have to really research the specific university. Some are probably decent, but others might just take your money and run, lol.

True, gotta make sure they’re legit. I guess it’s about checking if the degree is recognized in your country first.

Wait, what do you mean by ‘recognized’ degrees? Like, does the government or something have to approve them?

Yeah, basically. When you bring a degree from another country, sometimes it’s not seen as equivalent. So you’d need to check if your country accepts that degree as valid.

Ahh, got it. Thanks! That makes sense. Definitely something to think about before enrolling.

IDK, it sounds like a good way to save money, but you’d have to make sure the university isn’t sketchy. Some of these online schools pop up and disappear after a few years. Do your research!

True, research is key. I’d probably stick with more established universities, even if they’re cheap.

I’ve heard of people doing this and getting their degrees recognized, but it depends on the country and the field you’re in. Some fields are more strict with their degree requirements, so it might not work for everyone.

Good point. Like, medical degrees and stuff are probably harder to get recognized compared to something like business or IT.